Friday, April 21

Well, they did say they wanted it 'colorful'...

OOOOOOOOOOOOkay, so here is the fishwall thusfar. As you can see, there isn't much in the way of fish on it just now, but I've started "silhouetting in" where I want to put the background ones.

You can see them better in these two shots. I figured I'd leave the rest for my next visit because 1. It was 330am at that moment and I had a train to go home and catch in slightly over 4 hours, and 2. I was paranoid about putting fish silhouettes over my newly painted plantlife. It was painful enough just putting them over the flat blue parts.

I think I went a little toooo berserko with the plants. Must...practice....layouts!!! Also, I must attempt to figure out how to get a picture of this thing without the glare from the floresent lights.

Thats it! (so far.....*sigh*)


Kt Shy said...

Oh man! that is so colourful and cheerful! You talented person you! I'm very impressed! ^____^

Anonymous said...

Wooooooooooooooooow!! That's fantastic!! :D I second what KT said.

If you ever say you're not a good artist blah blah I'm going to smack you upside the head. All in love, of course ;)

Anonymous said...

Exceedingly badass.

rebound said...

wow thats a beautiful painting its good to see your still drawing and painting like crazy!

Antimatty said...

dude !!! that is awesome!!!!! i've always wanted to do a mural , but i don't know what of.

Anonymous said...

What a great site »